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Home Platform Updates 1/27/2022

Platform Updates 1/27/2022


See below for a list of changes going into effect from 1/10/21-1/27/22. Please address any questions you have to support@hiringopps.com.

New Features

Week of Change Description Summary
1/13/2022 Allow usage of single sign-on through providers that support SAML. Single sign-on can now be used on boards where the external account supports SAML. 
1/18/2022 Re-structuring of the candidate profile The "Professional Memberships" section of the candidate profile has been removed and the content will be moved to the "Organizations" section. 

Bug Fixes

The table below contains the bug fixes we have addressed this month and a brief explanation of the impacted systems.

Week of Change Description Summary
1/18/2021 Fix dropdown menu not working on the mobile version of boards.  Fixed bug where dropdowns on the company dashboard page were not opening properly on mobile view of boards. 
1/18/2021 Fix that company export did not work if some of the exported companies did not have a plan. Error caused during exports when a company was on a subscription, but not a plan. 
1/13/2021 Fix that jobs from unsupported locations would import onto boards.  Fixed error that caused job imports to add jobs from outside supported locations.

Platform Updates 1/27/2022
HiringOpps Job Board Software
