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Home Adding Position Types to Occupations

Adding Position Types to Occupations

What are Position Types

Position types are a way to differentiate jobs within the same specialty based on the duration and expectations of each job. This field can be used to allow candidates to separate jobs in their field based on categories like internships or part time positions. These are custom types created by the job board owner and then assigned to occupations for which they are valid.

Creating Position Types

Position types can be added by going to Data Management > Position Types and then adding each of the position types you would like (see below for an example from our demo site).

Adding Position Types to Occupations

Once the Position Types have been added, go to Data Management > Occupations and select Actions > Edit to add the position type to the Occupation. Select the position types that you would like to use with the Occupation, and then they will show up as options when that Occupation is selected on the Advanced Search page.

Adding Position Types to Occupations
HiringOpps Job Board Software
