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Home Understanding Candidate and Job Search Queries

Understanding Candidate and Job Search Queries

Search queries are formed by combining the parameters available to users through the Search UI.

There are two search systems in place on the HiringOpps platform:
  • Candidate Search
  • Job Search
These search systems are distinct and take unique parameters.

Both search systems make use of two elements when forming search queries. Those elements are:
  1. Major Categories
  2. The criteria selected within each Major Category
The major categories are the following for each search system:

Candidate Search Major Categories

  • Occupations
  • Specialties
  • Position Types
  • Board Certifications
  • Work Environments
  • State Licenses
  • Degrees
  • Any Custom Fields which have been added to candidate profiles.
  • Location Preferences
  • Experience Level
  • Date Available
  • “Registered Within” Date Range
  • “Last Activity Within” choice. This can be:
    • Within a number of pre-defined days
    • A custom date range defined by the user.
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Visa Sponsorship Status options
  • Keywords. Fields searched by Keyword Search are:
    • Parsed resume text
    • Specialties
    • Degrees
    • Position Type preferences
    • Education History
    • Education Levels
    • Listed Certifications
    • Organization Memberships
    • Listed Work Experience
    • Listed Publications
    • Work Environment preferences
    • Listed Board Certifications
    • Values entered as Custom Board Certifications
    • Keyphrases associated with Profile Specialties
    • Location Preferences
    • Custom Fields which are configured for inclusion in Keyword Search

Job Search Major Categories

  • Occupations
  • Specialties
  • Position Types
  • Work Environments
  • Degrees
  • Any Custom Fields which have been added to jobs. Possible Custom Fields are:
    • Choice Fields
    • Occupation Related Choice Fields
    • Date Fields
  • Location Choices
  • Experience Level Range
  • Visa Sponsorship choice
  • Posting Date filter
  • Keywords. Fields search by Keyword Search are:
    • Job Title
    • Occupation
    • Specialty
    • Keyphrases associated with the job's designated Specialty
    • Job Description
    • Job Location
    • Custom Fields which are configured for inclusion in Keyword Search

The search algorithm will perform a logical “AND” across the Major Categories and a logical “OR” across the options selected for each category where relevant.

For example, consider a candidate who performed a search for jobs with the following criteria:

Occupations: Clerical and Administrative
Specialties: Executive Assistant, Clerk, Office Assistant
Locations: "New Jersey", "New York, New York", "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania"

The search query would look like this:

(Occupation = Clerical and Administrative) AND (Specialty = Executive Assistant OR Specialty = Clerk OR Specialty = Office Assistant) AND (Location = New Jersey OR Location = New York, New York OR Location = Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)

This means that the system will match only jobs that satisfy AT LEAST one of the options selected for each major category.

KEYWORD SEARCH NOTE: The keyword search as entered by the user is treated as a major category. Additionally, the system considers each independent value entered in the keyword field as a separate keyword. For example, consider the case where a user entered the following in keyword search:

Art Director

The system will consider Art and Director as distinct keywords to search for.

This means that a possible match must contain both Art and Director within the searched fields as defined above. However, the keywords do not have to be found sequentially. In other words, Art and Director do not have to appear together nor in the same field. As long as both words are found within the searched fields, the subject will be considered a match.
Understanding Candidate and Job Search Queries
HiringOpps Job Board Software
