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Home Platform Updates 1/7/2021

Platform Updates 1/7/2021


See below for a list of changes going into effect the week of 1/6/2022. Please address any questions you have to support@hiringopps.com.

New Features

Week of Change Description Summary
1/6/2022 Allow users to pick colors in themes.  Users will now be able to edit their board theme's colors from the admin back-end through drop-down menus. 
1/6/2022 Blog thumbnails now will be resized instead of cropped to fit. 
1/6/2022 Allow customizing text displayed on the pricing page. Admins will now be able to customize text featured on the dropdown of the plans page. 
1/6/2022 Allow admins to facilitate mass plan updates to clients.  Admins can now update plans for multiple customers at the same time. 

Bug Fixes

The table below contains the bug fixes we have addressed this month and a brief explanation of the impacted systems.

Week of Change Description Summary
1/6/2021 Fix that certain locations could not be selected as options when posting a job. Fixed bug where certain locations could not be selected as options when posting a job in the case states were selected in "Supported Locations"
1/6/2021 Fix that blog administrator's bios were not saving. Fixed bug where newly registered blog admins were not able to save bios. 

Platform Updates 1/7/2021
HiringOpps Job Board Software
