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Formatting Shortcodes

Shortcodes are primarily used when customizing pages in the content management section of your job board. They are contained in double curly-braces (i.e. {{ shortcode_name }}).

Notice that there are spaces between the opening and closing curly braces and the shortcode itself. These spaces are required.

The primary components of a shortcode are the shortcode name, the parameters, and the parameter values.

For example, consider the following shortcode:
{{ featured_companies limit=5 includeName=no includeLogo=yes includeWebsite=no includeJobsCount=no }}

  • The shortcode name is featured_companies.
  • The parameters are:
    • includeName,
    • includeLogo,
    • includeWebsite,
    • and includeJobsCount.

This example would output the featured companies widget displaying the companies' logos, but not their names, website, or job count.

Back-office Admin

To insert a shortcode on a page, we must first enter the page editor.
  1. Login to your back-office admin.
  2. Expand the Content Management section and click Pages.
  3. Search for the page you want to edit using either the Admin Title, Description, or Slug fields.
  4. Click on the Actions button next to the page you want to edit.
    1. If this is the first time someone is editing this page, click:
      • Customize on network to customize this page for all sites on your Network (this includes future sites).
      • Customize on site to customize this page for the current site you are on. Verify the site by checking your URL bar.
    2. If this page has been edited before, click on Edit to update the existing customizations.

Page Editor

You are now in the Page Editor. To add the shortcode somewhere on your page:
  1. Scroll down until you find the Content section.
  2. In the Content section, find the place on the page where you would like to insert the shortcode.
  3. Once you find it, click into the location to position your cursor.
    NOTE: If you would like to place the shortcode on a blank line. You can create a new line by pressing the Enter key after any text on the page.
  4. With your cursor in the location that you would like the shortcode to be in, scroll the Page Editor window down until you can see the Add a shortcode dropdown menu and click it.
  5. Find and select the shortcode you would like to add.
    NOTE: Some shortcodes have parameters available that allow you to control what they output. The parameters that are available for any given shortcode are listed in the Available parameters section.
    NOTE: For boolean parameters use "yes" and "no".
  6. Click Add.
  7. Do not forget to click Submit at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

That's it! You have now added your shortcode.

If you have any questions or concerns about the above material, please contact support@hiringopps.com.
Formatting Shortcodes
HiringOpps Job Board Software
