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Home Understanding the Business Intelligence Section

Understanding the Business Intelligence Section

Business Intelligence Definitions

  • Active Subscribers – Counts all companies with an active subscription that is not blocked in the admin page. This counts companies currently using a trial plan and does not count companies within a grace period
  • New Subscribers – The number of subscribers added on a specific date. This counts all status types and includes trial plan subscriptions. Does not include companies that had a previous subscription.
  • Subscriber Expirations – The number of companies that switched from active to inactive
  • Subscriber Re-activation – Companies who activated a new subscription after being inactive for a period
  • Active Jobs - The number of Jobs posted to the site that are active and visible to candidates in searches. Excludes jobs in the inactive, archived and blocked states.
  • New Jobs – The number of jobs newly posted to the site or made active for the first time during a day.
  • Updated Jobs – The number of jobs updated on that date, including as part of refreshing the job when a subscription renews.
  • Expired Jobs – This matches the number of jobs that have the expiration date in the Jobs page. The number of jobs that expired on this date.
  • Company Registrations – The number of companies that registered accounts that day. Counts all companies regardless of status.
  • Company Candidate Searches – The number of times companies searched the candidate database
  • Company Candidate Views – The number of candidate view credits used by companies
  • Company Candidate Contacts – The number of candidates contacted by companies on that day
  • Emails Sent By Companies – The number of emails sent by companies to candidates on that day.
  • Companies With Active Jobs – The number of companies that currently have jobs active on the board.
  • Candidate Job Views – The number of times jobs posted on the board were viewed. Includes views by search engines and other bots.
  • Candidate Applications – The number of applications candidates submitted to job posts for the day.
  • Candidate Registrations – The number of candidates that registered to the job board on that day. Visible under candidates and sorting by Date Created.
  • Candidate Job Searches – The number of searches performed by candidates on the day.
  • Recurring Revenue – Revenue generated by renewing subscriptions. Counts the subscriptions that renewed on the day selected, does not include add ons or new subscriptions. Annual subscription revenue is spread over 12 months.
  • Revenue from New Add-Ons – Revenue generated that day from users purchasing new add ons, does not count new add ons from upgrading subscriptions (if a client upgrades to a new plan with extra features, this will be processed as an add on in the transaction log, but does not count for this chart).
  • New Subscriptions Revenue – Revenue from new plan purchases. Does not count upgrades, add ons, or renewals for the date.
  • Average Revenue Per Subscription – This is a deprecated section.
Understanding the Business Intelligence Section
HiringOpps Job Board Software
